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Poetry Review: I Wrote This For You by pleasefindthis

Just pretend you’re in a movie. Be as brave and as full of love as the main character. Because we all need to believe in movies, sometimes

I honestly don't remember reading this book, but I found the review hidden in one of the many folders on an old USB (LOL) So I've rearranged some bit, updated a large portion and summarised a lot of the rant that was there

What is there left to say about this... garbage publication... However! The real question is, how was this even published!?

Because I might not always have you but I'll have the feeling of you for the rest of my life

I was attempting to find a place for my head in the vast oceans of poetry, but it seems that the so-called "modern" poetry isn't doing it right for me. In fact, it's throwing me off the pavement :/ and If I were waiting on a ship to take me right into the heart of poetry, then that ship (let it be a small and frail boat for now) has set sails and ain't coming back -.-"

But really, all we want, and I speak for the entire human race here, is contact. Someone to let us know that we aren’t alone. That the world isn’t a dream and you and I really are happening at the same time, even if it’s not in the same place. That this is real. You’re really there. I’m really here. We’re real. This is real.

I'll be fair here:

  • Whoever it is who wrote those "poems" did put some effort... in placing words together...

  • He/she also clipped along a collection of pictures... which didn't make any sense...

  • I was lost on the flow of poems and whatever they were attempting was just pointing towards the direction of a toxic relationship... and self-struggle (I doubt they were quite aware of that)

  • This was the fourth book to the series... I'm pretty sure they (the author) had enough £££ in their pocket for a good editor

I know you’re just a rag doll now, sewn together with memories that we might have had. I know you’re just the dream inside of a dream And don’t worry, I know I don’t know you, anymore

Short Analysis:

Book cover: (0 stars)

  • It's absolutely creepy! There were times when I had to move it out of my room just to feel more secure and get some shut-eye... Hence, I had no option but to sell it off ASAP

Poems' structure: (1 star)

  • Short and confused! like when a teen's attempting to identify the cause of their anger but simply end up with a pool of words scribbled on a diary

  • The flow of the poems, from start to finish, was haphazard! Feel-good lines followed with some rage-filled ones. Going back and for the through and through

Content: (1 star)

  • As mentioned earlier (some light explanation and examples from the book), its a jumble of words you'd expect to find on a 12-year old's FB post or something

  • Some of the writing made no sense at all...

  • There were a couple of good ones... but not enough for me to like the book!

  • More importantly, there was a sense of a toxic vibe with this person's relationship(s)... I still don't know if this was directed at one person or more

  • Some of the lines felt as if (s)he were directing them towards themselves, in third person. Like they were angry at themselves, blaming themselves for the mistakes they've committed in the past and have chosen this as aform of recovery from all the hurt they've inflicted upon themselves and others...... nahhh that's too complex for this book lol

Photography: (1 star)

  • I appreciate that photographs were included in the book opposite each poem/prose. However... there was no relation between the pictures placed and the words... I'm not sure what's going on here!

Aftereffect: (1 star)

  • If this was a feel-good book... or directed to those who're heartbroken... I wouldn't really recommend this! I was reading it on a fine sunny day, sitting by the duck pond in Hyde Park... I remember I was so Angry afterwards! Had to find another book to revert my mood back to the serenity I was basking in

Final rating: 0.6 stars /5

Right, so, all in all, this book is genuinely perplexingly and problematically incomprehensible... It was an unfortunate pick. Perhaps if I was the angsty teen, that I once was, I would've appreciated this rant of a writing a whole lot better. Albeit, if you were in search of a good ol' book of poetry, I strongly advise you against this one! There are far more superior alternatives out there!

Wait! Maybe they were attempting a go at the complex writing of Rumi! But oh how have they gone wrong and just ruined whatever they had planned in that bright mind of theirs... And no one can out Rumi with mystic words, underlying meaning and depth of understanding... no one -.-


Thank you for reading!

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