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  • Writer's pictureJoana .

Arcs on my 2021 Radar!

I have been away from fantasy reading long enough. And with my current growing interest in classics, poetry and 19th-century literature, I'm feeling myself growing distant even farther from the crowd. I vowed to continue my reading in the latter mentioned group, but I want to get more in touch with my roots. The reason I got so crazed over books and reading in general: Fantasy!

I realised that I simply cannot grow out of loving magic, high fantasy, dragon pets and throwing spells here and there... Harry Potter was the turning point in my life when I was only a child, back in 2001 and that series still is close to my heart.

I was determined to get back to my fantasy reading this year and explore what's available nowadays. Scouring the YA/adult fantasy shelves for the currently trending fiction and arcs.... although I prefer standalones, the majority of what I found through the booktopia on IG and TikTok were arcs:

1. Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo

a. Six of Crows Duology

When I checked for fantasy books, I was stunned by an overwhelming set of posts praising a "Leigh Bardugo"... That's someone new on the shelves... but hey, I've been gone from sight for quite some time ^^"

Anywho, Leigh Bardugo's name was always associated with SoCs. I looked it up and lucky me, it's a duo! And so, I hit the shelves, grabbed a copy and started reading the first few chapters... Damn girl! It was actually good!

I haven't read them yet... they're still there stacked in my book cart ^^" I honestly have a ton of books before I can get to these two (or any of the ones listed here) *smh*

b. Shadow and Bone Trilogy

I read that S&B and SoCs can be read independently. Anyway, I started with reading S&B. Again; LB was skilled with composing her story, creating characters and weiving events to make a good story. Definitely a typical and quite basic fantasy book. The majority of it was predictable and I was able to relate some of the events to other books I've read back in my day... did I post a review of Shadow and Bone yet?! Oh no... I will in a couple of days!

c. King of Scars duology

KoS is apparently a backstory of one of the characters I'm yet to meet through the S&B trilogy. Let's just see how that goes first.. and then I'll decide on whether I'd read KoS instantly or take a break from LB for some time... and then read the backstory ^^"

2. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

This is a standalone book by LB. I had been gifted the book...

It's about a girl going to Yale University. There's some shady thing going on with a secret student society. A lot of the well-known names in Wall Street, Hollywood and other rich and powerful members are involved...

I just have one question: What's with kids these days?! It's honestly so easy to trick them into believing an idea is "original" and "novel"! Doesn't anyone remember the movie starring Paul Walker The Skull (2000)?! The plot is about the Skull and Bones Student Society at Yale University... it's literally the same thing...

3. Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Shwab

Schwab... Schwab... Schwab... Reading the first chapter of A Darker Shade of Magic definitely got me hooked to the story! It reminded me of Upper and Lower London from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere! But Shwab's writing is worthy of the hype and my Fantasy-shelf! I can't wait to start reading this trilogy!

4. The Folk of the Air by Holly Black

Having heard so much about The Folk of the Air series, I was eager to add these books to my shelf! I can't recall reading much fantasy relating to fairies... would you count Tinkerbell though? But she was kind of a solitary fairy and was Peter's sidekick.

As is the new trend for my selection strategy, I had to read some of Holly's work before I'd attain her book collection. It's funny how I stumbled upon How the King of Elfahme Learned to Hate Stories in the bookstore (You can read more in my review). I was definitely satisfied with what I was presented with! The story, the language, the characters... and definitely the illustrations added more sprinkles of magic!

In fact, I've only finished The Cruel Prince yesterday, in between reading others (Anna Karenina is just... I need a break lol). My review is coming up soon!

5. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

Ahh... Cassandra Clare... I still remember when her books first hit the shelves. I managed to ignore them very well. Then I went into a slump trying to make sense of the world when the Harry Potter series was over. And I believe I found the Stravaganza series by Mary Hoffman.

We all know Cassandra didn't really do well with the Mortal Instruments /shocker/. However! Clockwork Angel was captivating! I read the first two books of the Infernal Devices separately, with a long gap between each. But I'll be honest with y'all, it's been a very veeeerrryyyyy loooong time since those days were only yesterday ^^" Point is, I don't remember anything from what I've read... so I'll defo read them (All) this time around!

6. Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein

We all know what the LotR is about! Frankly, it's not on the booktopia recommendations. But I've been evading this quartet for the longest time now (ever since I was aware of their existence... still... a long time ago!).

I am now aware that the time has come. I must read the books! It's going to either be a great hit, or a total miss. I wouldn't know until I start reading them.... but there's this terrible fear in my gut I will be absolutely disappointed... wrecked to pieces... oh God... what have I done *smh*

Final Verdict:

I have a good number of books on my to-read list

Nevertheless, I'm excited to start them all... I hope I don't slump after I'm done with these books...

It's funny that I'm still hunting for more fantasy books to read... I need an endless supply of hardcovers...


Thank you for reading!

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